Dry Cargo

Global Dry Cargo Broking, Local Expertise

Dry Cargo

Global Dry Cargo Broking, Local Expertise

Dry Cargo Shipbroking

At Befresh Marine, we handle everything from small Handysize shipments of cement to large-scale deliveries of 180,000-tonne iron ore with our expert Dry Cargo shipbroking services. With 14 offices across six continents, our established relationships in the industry are built on deep local knowledge and mutual respect.

Strategic Broking with Market Insights

Our expertise spans Capesize, Handysize, and Panamax chartering, supported by a dedicated period desk. We are the only global broker offering Dry Cargo chartering services through a network of strategically placed local offices. Serving as the crucial link between charterers and shipowners, our team leverages extensive market intelligence to broker superior deals and optimize asset utilization.

Industry-Leading Analytical Support

Our large team of analysts works closely with our broking experts to provide essential market insights. By analyzing a wide array of data sources, we offer detailed intelligence on market trends, supply and demand dynamics, and trade flows. This comprehensive understanding enables us to guide clients with precision and enhance decision-making capabilities.

Visiting Address:

3 Professora Kachalova St.
St Petersburg

Working hours:

07:00 - 23:00 : Mon-Friday
08:00 - 20:00 : Sat-Sunday
Timezone: [UTC +03.00] Europe/Moscow

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