Deep Sea Tankers

Global Tanker Chartering Excellence with Local Expertise

Deep Sea Tankers

Global Tanker Chartering Excellence with Local Expertise

Expert Shipbroking for Deep Sea Tanker Chartering

At Befresh Marine, we excel in deep sea tanker chartering and broking services, handling everything from 20,000 dwt ships to tankers exceeding 300,000 dwt. Our seasoned team of tanker brokers provides exceptional service for a variety of cargoes, including crude oil and both clean and dirty petroleum products. We are a trusted partner for oil companies, traders, and shipowners, known for our comprehensive market insights and expert negotiation skills.

Broking All Vessel Sizes

Our expertise spans across a wide range of tanker sizes. Whether it's a 20,000 dwt vessel transporting refined products like naphtha, jet fuel, gasoline, gasoil, and fuel oil, or a 300,000 dwt crude oil tanker, we offer a full spectrum of chartering options. These include spot charters, time charters, and contracts of affreightment (COAs). We work closely with clients to enhance their chartering decisions and offer bespoke project consultancy tailored to specific shipping needs.

Global Reach with Local Expertise

With a global presence, we cover major crude oil loading regions including the Russia, Arabian Gulf, West Africa, Mediterranean/Black Sea, Baltic and North Sea, Caribbean, and both the U.S. West Coast and South America. Our team’s extensive market knowledge and access to detailed industry analysis, including freight rate forecasts and vessel availability, ensure that you receive well-informed guidance for your tanker chartering requirements.

Visiting Address:

3 Professora Kachalova St.
St Petersburg

Working hours:

07:00 - 23:00 : Mon-Friday
08:00 - 20:00 : Sat-Sunday
Timezone: [UTC +03.00] Europe/Moscow

Get in touch with us!

Contact us today to find out how our expert team can support your business